Links to Interviews and Reviews
Necessary Fiction
Review by Jacqueline Stolos
Lucy Writers Platform
Review by Suzannah Ball
Flash Frontier
Interview with Michelle Elvy
Love in the Time of Covid
The Literary Sofa
Guest post: Catherine McNamara on Older Love
The Lonely Crowd - Rachael Smart
Interview: Rachael Smart interviews Catherine McNamara
TSS - The Short Story
Review: Laura Besley reviews Love Stories for Hectic People
BookBound - Book review blog
Review: Rachael reviews Love Stories for Hectic People
LoveReading - LoveReading Ambassador VOTED INDIE BOOKS WE LOVE
Review: Love Stories for Hectic People
Litro - Christy Halberg
Review: Love Stories for Hectic People
Reflex Press Book Reviews - Raluca Comanelea
Review: Love Stories for Hectic People
Kimberly Sullivan - Thoughts on Reading, Writing, and All Things Italian
Review: Love Stories for Hectic People
David’s Book World
Review: Love Stories for Hectic People
Writers & Artists
Blogpost: The Vital Heart of the Flash Fiction Story
Sabotage Reviews - Joshua Lambert
Review: The Cartography of Others
The Literary Sofa - Isabel Costello
‘My Year in Books 2018’ / Guest post ‘On Writing About Sex and Desire’
Litro UK - David Stewart
Review: The Cartography of Others
Selcouth Station - Haley Jenkins
Review: The Cartography of Others
The Ofi Press Magazine - Michelle Elvy
Review: The Cartography of Others
Flash Frontier - Michelle Elvy
Interview: ‘From Ghana to Bandiagara’
The Short Story - Rupert Dastur
Interview: The Cartography of Others
Writers Chat - Shauna Gilligan
Interview: The Cartography of Others
Trip Fiction
Review: The Cartography of Others
Smart Lit Review - Rachel Smart
Review: ‘The Stickers on Apples’, The Cartography of Others
Connotation Press - Jonathan Cardew
Interview: The Cartography of Others
Rereading Lives - Mel Ulm
Review: The Cartography of Others
Linda’s Book Bag
Interview: The Cartography of Others
Women Writers, Women’s Books
Guest Post: ‘An Author’s Search for Place, from Mali to Italy’
SkyLightRain - Judy Darley
Guest Post: The Cartography of Others
Writer’s Little Helper - Judy Darley
Review: The Cartography of Others
The Creative Process - Mia Funk
Interview and short story: ‘The Wild Beasts of the Earth Will Adore Him’
Wasafiri, Issue 85, Spring 2016
Review: Pelt and Other Stories
Sabotage Reviews - Eleanor Hemsley
Review: Pelt and Other Stories
Tears in the Fence - David Caddy
Review: Pelt and Other Stories
Rereading Lives - Mel Ulm
Review: Pelt and Other Stories
Her Majesty Review, Paris - Harriet Alida-Lye
Review: Pelt and Other Stories
Whispering Gums
Review: Pelt and Other Stories
Kimberly Sullivan
Interview: Pelt and Other Stories